Ian Middleton Photography

Newsletter – July

By Ian Middleton


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Those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Summer can be a difficult time for photography, but as always it’s often a case of finding the positive out of the negative. One of the reasons landscape photography can be difficult is because of the heat and humidity, making distant landscapes hazy. But this can be used to creative effect, as you can see in the photo above. Here I used a 400mm zoom at F16 and focused on the hay racks in the distance to blur out the foreground.

Summer is also a time when the sun moves further north and rises and sets in certain positions. For example, in summer the sun sets behind Mount Triglav in the Julian Alps, Slovenia, when photographed from a certain viewpoint. And you can get photos like this:

Sun setting behind the jagged peaks of the Julian Alps, Slovenia.

Summer is also the time when the sun rises from behind Mount Storzic in the Kamnik Alps, when viewed from Jamnik Church. Allowing you to capture stunning moments like these

Jamnik church of Saints Primus and Felician at sunrise, perched on a hill on the Jelovica Plateau with the kamnik alps and storzic mountain in the background, Slovenia.
Jamnik church of Saints Primus and Felician at sunrise, perched on a hill on the Jelovica Plateau with the kamnik alps and storzic mountain in the background, Slovenia.
Jamnik church of Saints Primus and Felician at sunrise, perched on a hill on the Jelovica Plateau with the kamnik alps and storzic mountain in the background, Slovenia.

You can see more of these in my blog post on Jamnik Church here

Photography Workshops

In June I ran a one day workshop at Lake Bohinj with a nice couple from London, and as always, even in the summer, Bohinj didn’t fail to produce some great photographic moments. Here are a few from that day. More info on my Bohinj workshops can found here:

Light breaking as the sun passes over the mountains beside Lake Bohinj and produces sunrays over the lake, Triglav National Park, Slovenia.
The most photographed tree at Bohinj Lake on an Summer afternoon, Triglav National Park, Slovenia.
Sailing on Lake Bohinj, Slovenia.

New video tutorials

Below you can link to two new video tutorials available on my blog. If you have a special request for a particular technique you would like to know more about, then please feel free to email me with your request.


How to boost contrast using levels & curves – An Adobe Photoshop tutorial

Contrast adjusted

How to use the Graduated Filter Tool in Adobe Camera RAW

With filter used

There are still space available on my 2017 workshops, with a new date for my Jurassic Coast Workshop. See below:

Slovenia – Autumn Photography Workshops

View across Lake Bled to the island church and clifftop castle in all it’s autumn glory, Slovenia.

Want to photograph alpine lakes at dawn and sunrise, sunsets over alpine mountains, castles, churches, thundering rivers and waterfalls all in the glorious colours of Autumn?

Then join me for my Autumn weekend photo workshop in the stunning alpine region of Slovenia. We’ll vist two beautiful glacial lakes: Lake Bled and Lake Bohinj, and travel through stunning alpine valleys and mountain vistas, visit waterfalls, rapids and gorges. We’ll photograph lovely castles and churches, on lakes, beside lakes and on hilltops, all with magnificent backdrops.

The tour will begin on Friday evening and end on Sunday after sunset. Accommodation for the tour will be included from Friday to Monday (3 nights), but should you need or want to arrive earlier or stay longer, then I can arrange extra nights for you.

Lake Bled, Lake Bohinj, Vogel Mountain, Savica Waterfall, Vintgar Gorge, Jamnik hilltop church, Local villages

Suitable for: beginner to intermediate

Small groups

Price per person:
UK£495 – 3-6 people

Dates 2017

– Fri Oct 13th – Mon 16th
– Fri Oct 20th – Mon 23rd
– Other dates available on request

More info here: http://www.ianmiddletonphotography.com/tours/holidays/slovenia.html

Jurassic Coast Photography Workshop

Waves crashing over Pulpit rock and the promontary at Portland Bill, near Weymouth, Jurassic Coast, Dorset, England. Pulpit Rock is an artificial stack that was left behind after quarrymen dug away a natural arch in 1870s. The Jurassic Coast is a stretch of coastline with a geology that dates back 185 million years, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Capture big waves and sunsets in this November workshop on the stunning Jurassic Coast in Dorset, England.

The Jurassic Coast is a great place to capture dramatic clouds and light, big waves and more. Learn how to freeze the crashing waves, or create soft, silky effects by varying shutter speed.

We’ll do some night shots and also star trails. Weather permitting.

3 days – £495 (single room)

Dates in 2017:
– Thur 16th – Sat 18th Nov
– On request

More info here: http://www.ianmiddletonphotography.com/tours/holidays/jurassic-coast.html

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If you think anything in this newsletter might interest any of your friends, then please feel free to forward it to them.

Photo Editing - How to edit RAW images in Adobe Camera RAW
How to Photograph Jamnik Church View
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