Ian Middleton Photography

Newsletter – September

By Ian Middleton


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Summer is coming to an end

and now the misty mornings begin.

Hope everyone enjoyed the summer. I’m not summer’s greatest fan, because of the heat, but it does have its moments. In Slovenia it’s also a great time for stormy weather photos. Because Slovenia is wedged between the Alps and Adriatic, consequently the clash of hot and cold air can produce some fantastic storms. My latest blog entry is a collection of my favourite stormy weather photos. But now it’s time for autumn photography.

While summer has its moments for many, I am usually hiding from the heat and waiting for September. Why? Because that’s when the misty mornings begin, and it also signified on the onset of autumn. Lake Bled in Slovenia always looks great on a misty morning. So it’s the perfect time to come on one of my one day workshops, if you like getting up early. Or else join one of my 3 day autumn photography workshops in October when the autumn colours are at their best.

Below are a few of my favourite photos of Bled on a misty morning.

Misty mornings are also a great time to photograph some of the famous hilltop churches of Slovenia, namely Jamnik Church and Saint Thomas church in the Skofja Loka hills. I am really looking forward to getting some misty morning shots of these two. If you want to try this too then why not join one of my distant landscape one day workshops.

I also have an extra date in September for my Jurassic Coast 3 day Workshop and there are a couple of spaces still left.

More info on everything below, plus two new blog entries: one tutorial on processing and editing RAW files.

Well, hope you all have a great September and manage to get out for great autumn photography and enjoy the cooler mornings and evenings. I know I will…………..

Favourite Misty Bled Photos

Warm morning misty sunlight over Lake Bled and the island church of the assumption of Mary, Slovenia.
Warm morning misty sunlight over Lake Bled and the island church of the assumption of Mary, Slovenia.

New Blog posts

Stormy weather and beautiful light and clouds scattering over Bohinj Lake after a massive storm blew over the Bohinj valley, Triglav National Park, Slovenia.

Stormy Weather Pictures

Stormy Weather Pictures Stormy weather and rainy days are not ordinarily something that people like, or look for. My wife is a perfect example of that. She loves the sun and blue sky. Many photographers may also be fair-weather photographers and prefer to stay home when the weather turns bad. I, on the other hand, like many other landscape photographers, …

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View across to Sveti Tomaz nad Praprotnim (church of Saint Thomas) in the Skofja Loka hills, Slovenia.
View across to Sveti Tomaz nad Praprotnim (church of Saint Thomas) in the Skofja Loka hills, Slovenia.

Photo Editing – How to edit RAW images in Photoshop

The photo editing process The photo editing process can seem a little daunting, but it’s not as complicated as it may appear. It also doesn’t have to take that long, once you get to grips with the tools and techniques. I rarely spend more than 5-10 minutes processing a photo, unless it requires something more complicated like exposure blending….

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Slovenia – Autumn Photography Workshops

autumn photography. Autumn can be stunning at the gorge. This shot was taken right at the last bridge where you exit the gorge.
Autumn can be stunning at the gorge. This shot was taken right at the last bridge where you exit the gorge.

A three Day Workshop

Fri Oct 13th – Mon 16th

Want to photograph misty alpine lakes at dawn and sunrise, sunsets over alpine mountains, castles, churches, thundering rivers and waterfalls all in the glorious colours of autumn?

Then join me for my autumn photography weekend workshop in the stunning alpine region of Slovenia. We’ll visit two beautiful glacial lakes: Lake Bled and Lake Bohinj, and travel through stunning alpine valleys and mountain vistas, visit waterfalls, rapids and gorges. We’ll photograph lovely castles and churches, on lakes, beside lakes and on hilltops, all with magnificent backdrops.

The workshop will begin on Friday evening and end on Sunday after sunset. Accommodation will be included from Friday to Monday (3 nights), but should you need or want to arrive earlier or stay longer, then I can arrange extra nights for you.

Lake Bled, Lake Bohinj, Vogel Mountain, Savica Waterfall, Vintgar Gorge, Jamnik hilltop church, Local villages

Suitable for: beginner to intermediate

Small groups

Price per person:
UK£495 – 3-6 people

Dates 2017

– Fri Oct 13th – Mon 16th
– Fri Oct 20th – Mon 23rd
– Other dates available on request

More info here: http://www.ianmiddletonphotography.com/tours/holidays/slovenia.html

 Jurassic Coast Photography Workshop

Durdle Door in the moonlight, Dorset, England. Captured late evening as the moonlight flooded through the rock's archway. The long exposure has also produced some nice star trails to the right of the arch. Durdle door is one of the many stunning locations to visit on the Jurassic coast in southern England.
Durdle Door in the moonlight, Dorset, England. Captured late evening as the moonlight flooded through the rock’s archway. The long exposure has also produced some nice star trails to the right of the arch. Durdle door is one of the many stunning locations to visit on the Jurassic coast in southern England.

A 3 day photography tour and workshop.
Fri 17th – Sun 19th September

Capture big waves at sunrise and sunset in this November workshop on the stunning Jurassic Coast in Dorset, England.

The Jurassic Coast is a great place to capture dramatic clouds and light, big waves and more. Learn how to freeze the crashing waves, or create soft, silky effects by varying shutter speed.

We’ll do some night shots and also star trails. Weather permitting.

Private workshop or 2 people sharing:
3 days – £1250

Group Workshops:
3 days – £495 (single room)

Other Dates in 2017:
– Thur 16th – Sat 18th Nov
– On request

More info here: http://www.ianmiddletonphotography.com/tours/holidays/jurassic-coast.html

Distant Landscapes Workshops

Full or half day photography workshop focused on photographing distant landscapes

While the majority of landscape photography is done with a wide angle or small focal length, the use of a telephoto lens is often overlooked. There are certain viewpoints you get of landscapes that you can only get from a distance.

It’s all about perspective. The two photos above are both of the same church and mountain, yet in the first the mountain seems bigger and much closer, while in the second it appears much smaller and further away. Find out why on my workshop.

On this workshop I will show you, using a number of great locations around the Ljubljana airport, just how to spot these and how to utilise a long focal length to create these unique perspectives.

Slovenia’s landscape and mountains is dotted with churches, so it’s the perfect place for this kind of photography.

Join me for a private 1-1 or group workshop. Morning workshops will start with a dawn shoot at the church above. Then we’ll visit a variety of locations as examples. Afternoon to evening workshops are also available and we will end at this church, or another depending on the conditions at the time.

Jamnik is also a great location for autumn photography, as the mist enshrouds the church and valley in the mornings.

Understanding Lighting for Photography
Stormy Weather Pictures
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