Bear Essentials
My Article in EOS Magazine
Since 2015 , I have been privileged to visit and photograph the beautiful brown bears that roam the heavily forested country of Slovenia. This article was written for EOS Magazine and has just been published.
In this article I talk about the company in Slovenia that has made it possible for photographers to capture great photos of these wonderful animals in the wild. The article also talks about the techniques and equipment I used for these shots, and also the difference between shooting with a DSLR and Mirrorless. My first two visits were with a Canon 5D3 DSLR, and the last two with my new R5 mirrorless, so it was an interesting comparison.
You can read the full article here.
EOS Magazine is a subscription based magazine only and directed solely for owners of Canon cameras.
Equipment used in my photoshoots
These are links to photography equipment I use and what’s in my bag and great places to buy them.
These are affiliate links so if you click and purchase I’ll receive a small commission in return, but at no extra cost to you.
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My book
Learn Photography
For a more comprehensive look at photography, check out my book, available to buy at Amazon.
Shedding light on all the photography basics in one book.
Want to know how to take better photos? Well, first you need to master the basic techniques. Whether you are a complete beginner or an intermediate looking to improve your photography, this book is packed with photography techniques, tips and advice for beginners and intermediates.
All the camera functions and their effects explained.